Chief of Staff

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, your brand and business needs a strategy and right hand man that evolves as quickly as the online landscape. I provide tailored solutions that cover every aspect of your online business while working right along side you.It can be difficult to manage everything:• Personal Branding
• Social Media Management & Content Creation
• Newsletter & Email Marketing
• Lead Generation
• Product Creation
• Services
• Landing Page & Website
• SEO & Advertisements
• Analytics
I specialise in tailored strategies that boost your brand's visibility, engagement, growth & sales. I will help you propel your brand and business upward with customised solutions for standing out and connecting with your audience.I will be your multi disciplinary value believing vehicle.

Transform Your Business with a Chief of Staff
My role is different from a typical Executive Assistant. While other positions might add hands, a Chief of Staff adds a brain, aligning closely with your thinking and decision-making process.
Why Hire a Chief of Staff?Strategic Delegation: My role allows you to focus on high-impact activities, encouraging business growth and personal well-being.Enhanced Operations: I aim to to significantly free up your time - up to 20+ hours a week.Avoid Burnout or Collapse: Like many business owners or entrepreneurs, burnout and collapse can be a real issue when managing everything all at once. As your Chief of Staff I will act as your right-hand man, managing critical aspects of your business to prevent burnout and stagnation.Alignment Over Skill for Long-Term Success: While skills are important and I have several readily available to you; the alignment of vision, values, and work style between yourself and me is crucial. Compatibility creates a strong partnership, essential to driving your businesses success.Shared Priorities to Maximise Impact: By sharing priorities, it will allow you to focus on high-impact tasks that scale your business. This involves strategising together to eliminate unnecessary tasks, automating processes, and delegating effectively.

WELCOMEMy name is Thomas.In the past two and a half years I have worked with 50+ content creators, brands and businesses.

What follows is a basic overview of what working with me entails for you to build your brand, online presence and business.Depending on what your specific goals are how we work together will be tailored towards meeting your specific goals.Not everything listed may be necessary for you, and we would adapt to your requirements.Everything will come down to what you want to achieve with your brand and business. I understand everyone has a different vision on what they want to build and we will adapt where necessary to achieve that.

Personal Branding

I will help you build an authentic, consistent brand image. Distinctive branding attracts attention, builds loyalty and fuels business growth.Strategic Services:• Brand Strategy - We uncover what makes you special and develop a positioning that stands out from competitors. This shapes all brand communications.
• Logo & Visual Identity - Your logo and visual design should instantly communicate your brand personality. We craft cohesive branding that appeals to your audience.
• Brand Messaging - Consistent messaging builds awareness and understanding. We shape your verbal identity and key messages across platforms.
• Brand Consistency - We ensure branding consistency across your digital properties, ads, and packaging.
• Brand Communication - Ongoing communications that educate customers and reinforce what your brand stands for.
Results of a Strong Brand:• Increased awareness and recognition
• Improved reputation and trust
• Deeper customer connections
• Reduction in marketing costs over time
• Resilience against crises or controversy

Social Media & Content Creation

We will boost your social media presence and build a loyal audience by developing customised strategies and posting captivating content. Social media is essential for modern business growth. I will help you establish an impactful presence, engage more customers, and track performance.Strategic Services:• Platform Optimisation - We design high-converting profiles that represent your brand.
• Content Creation - Captivating content including graphics, video, and written posts.
• Engagement - Responding to comments, questions, and mentions humanises your brand.
• Community Growth - Organic and paid strategies to cost-effectively expand your audience.
• Social Listening - Monitoring brand mentions, reviews, and conversations across the social web.
• Performance Tracking - Actionable insights into your efforts through key metrics and reporting.
• Ad Management - Managing and optimising social advertising campaigns to amplify your content.
Results You Can Expect:• Increased brand awareness and recognition
• Higher engagement rates and follower growth
• Improved brand loyalty and advocacy
• More qualified website traffic and sales leads

Email Marketing & Newsletter

Email marketing may appear outdated, but remains a vital way to reach customers and nurture relationships over time. I can help you create, send, and optimise email campaigns that subscribers love.Strategic Email Marketing Services:• Segmentation - Target different subscriber groups with tailored content.
• Newsletters - Well-designed, valuable newsletters boost engagement.
• Promotional Emails - Special offers, sales, and product releases.
• Lead Nurturing - Personalised email tracks convert subscribers into customers.
• Automation - Triggered emails based on user actions.
• Analytics - Detailed data and insights to refine your approach.
Results of Effective Email Marketing:• Improved open, click-through, and conversion rates
• Increased subscriber retention and loyalty
• Higher brand affinity and awareness
• More qualified leads at a lower cost
• Higher ROI from promotional campaigns

Lead Generation & Product Creation

Comprehensive lead generation strategies paired with unique product development will help drive sales and growth for your business.First, we identify and intimately understand your ideal customers through in-depth profiling. We then reach them through:• Search engine optimised content that attracts relevant searches
• Social media campaigns that resonate with your audience
• Email nurture tracks that build relationships over time
• Events and webinars establishing your brand


I can help you turn your passion into a purpose-driven service. My goal is to support you in making a positive difference through your unique gifts.Popular examples are listed below:Coaching Services:If coaching others is your goal, I can assist with:• Identifying your niche, ideal client, and offerings
• Structuring your coaching packages and pricing
• Setting up your website and online presence
• Developing your coaching skills and tools
• Managing the logistics and operations
• With my support, you can confidently launch and grow your coaching practice.
Community Building:If you want to bring people together, I can help with:• Clarifying the mission and values for your community
• Choosing the right online platform and tools
• Crafting guidelines to facilitate meaningful connections
• Developing engaging content and activities
• Selected moderating
• I can help you create a thriving, purpose-driven community.

SEO & Advertising

In today's online world, businesses need smart SEO and advertising to get found, build authority, and grow revenue. With data-driven digital marketing services, you can maximise your visibility and value.Search Engine Optimisation:• On-page optimisation to boost ranking signals
• Content creation to attract and engage your audience
• Link building to increase domain authority
• Paid Online Advertising
Managing profitable paid ad campaigns across top platforms:• Google Ads to get your brand at the top of searches
• 𝕏 ads that convert impressions into sales
• Retargeting campaigns to reconnect with site visitors
• Amazon ads to tap into buyers and expand reach
• Advanced tracking and analytics for continuous optimisation


Making strategic choices requires understanding your data. I help brands extract powerful insights from their metrics to optimise performance.• Data Integration - We consolidate data from all platforms into one analytics hub.
• Campaign Tracking - We implement tracking to measure marketing channel effectiveness.
• A/B Testing - We test variations to maximise engagement and conversion.
• Optimisation - We continuously fine-tune based on insights uncovered.
Tangible Business Impact:• Increase conversion rates and lower acquisition costs.
• Improve customer lifetime value.
• Focus spending on highest performing platforms and campaigns.
• Refine products and messaging based on usage analytics.
• Manage supply chains and operations efficiently.



If you are interested in this service, please contact me below via email.Additionally, if you wanted to ask me any questions, you can schedule a free 30 minute consultation to see if this service is right for you.Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read my website.Should you not wish to pursue this service, I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.Thomas.

© Thomas Haynes. All rights reserved. 2024.